Getting back to Rugby – Midland Midnight 7s 

Making friends with posers

I don’t think I’ve really talked about it on the blog, but I am a massive rugby fan. After spending a lot of my hockey-playing teens watching professionals play every weekend, I started playing myself when I went to college at Trinity College Dublin. I spent 4 years playing for DUFC (which is actually the oldest rugby club in the world) and I loved pretty much every minute of it.  Continue reading “Getting back to Rugby – Midland Midnight 7s “

Where I’m at now 

A little group photo from my grandad’s 90th

Hello from Ireland! It sounds so cheesy but I kind of had to say it. I’m writing to you from the kitchen of my family home in Meath and it’s kind of weird to be looking out at grey skies while I’m writing instead of sunshine. Continue reading “Where I’m at now “

Side Step: Guinness Storehouse

At the Sky Bar

Though this blog, at least for the time being, is focused on my life here in Madrid, I thought it would be fun to share a little bit of sightseeing I did when I was back in Dublin at Christmas. It’s a little mad how much sightseeing most people do once they leave their own city or country, forgetting they have their own places to explore. My sister, Jenny, however, is always looking out for opportunities to see something different and new, and she is pretty good at following through with her plans. Continue reading “Side Step: Guinness Storehouse”

Graduation and Going Home

Looking back at grad

Late on Friday, 2nd November, I flew home to Ireland for the first time since moving to Madrid. It was the weirdest feeling, heading to Dublin for a trip, a holiday, during my days off from work. I struggled to deal with it in the days before, but once I drove up my driveway and opened my front door, it was like I’d never left. Continue reading “Graduation and Going Home”